Gremi Media Case Study

The Gremi Group has witnessed a twentyfold increase in the effectiveness of its communication. This was achieved by a two-pronged approach: firstly, with e-mails which contained offers for newspapers, by adjusting those e-mails according to individual customer profiles, and secondly, by reminding customers about subscriptions they had ordered.

Customer of SALESmanago Marketing Automation - Gremi Media

Gremi Media sp. z o.o. is a publisher of daily business newspapers ‘Rzeczpospolita’ and ‘Parkiet’ as well as monthly titles like ‘Bloomberg Businessweek’ and ‘Sukces’. Gremi Group also manages on-line stores:, and where they sell ebooks, audiobooks, press and subscriptions.


Gremi Group wanted to use automation to increase conversion of anonymous visitors and customer retention:

  • Large number of anonymous visits on website – necessitity to acquire data about potential customers
  • Opportunity to increase sales – once acquired, customer provides potential for multiple sales and prolonging subscription
  • High personalisation requirements – very wide offer for thematic publishing, resulting in necessity to adjust offers to customer profile and interest


Customers` behavioral segmentation – Automatic segmentation of customers based on their favourite thematic categories in order to personalise content sent in emails.

  • Dynamic 1-to-1 emails after visit – Users who visit or websistes, who are viewing articles but not buying subscriptions, receive automation emails with offers for paid subscriptions 24 hours after their visit.
  • Dynamic emails offering prolonged subscription – Clients whose subscription is coming to an end receive automatic reminders and adjusted prolonging offers.
  • Form to collect anonymous visitors` data – During visits of users who are anonyomous or monitored but not subscribed, a popup form appears which encourages them to leave their data.
  • Form with ebook download – Anonymous visitors receive an option to download a free ebook in exchange for leaving their data and subscribing to a newsletter.
  • Periodic dynamic newsletters – Customers subscribed for a newsletter receive periodic dynamic newsletters containing the most recent news from specific thematic categories prepared by editiorial offices.


Gremi Group increased the effectiveness of newsletter campaigns thanks to dynamic e-mails sent from SALESmanago and personalisation.

  • Increase in OR and 2,500% in CTR for dynamic e-mails after visit on eKiosk
  • 435% increase in OR and 2,100% in CTR for dynamic e-mails with subscription prolonging compared to bulk
  • Increase in OR and 2,300% in CTR for dynamic e-mails after visit on eGazety

Options for further development:

  • Facebook integration (Custom Audiences) – lead generation in social media
  • Using dynamic banners for website content personalisation to adjust it to users` profile
  • RFM marketing automation – module which enables analysis of transactional behaviour, building automation and segmentation

“Thanks to implementation of SALESmanago we can create various scenarios of automation and communication with our users and personalise the content of our campaigns to increase their engagement.”
Paulina Chacińska, E-Commerce Specialist E-Kiosk S.A.