Customer Preference Center

Start listening to your customers!

You are probably not aware but the majority of your Online Store Customers would be willing to voluntarily give you the information about their interests and product preferences. These are called Zero-Party Data. Listen to your customers by creating a Customer Preference Center and allow your customers to manage their interests, offer personalization & express declarative purchase intentions.

“'Zero' party data is gold… When a customer trusts a brand enough to provide this really meaningful data, it means that the brand doesn’t have to go off and infer what the customer wants

Fatemeh Khatibloo, VP principal analyst, Forrester

Analyze performance of activities aimed at acquiring declarative customer data. Develop an effective strategy for building complete customer profiles to deliver even more impressive marketing results.
Focus on zero-party data. This knowledge makes your content fully customizable to users' needs - starting from the type of products to their size, all based on customers' choices made in the Preference Center.
Enhance 360° customer profiles by adding declarative data to the customer view. Use zero-party data for even better personalization of marketing campaigns.

6 steps to success with Customer Preference Center

Truly listen to your customers

Make your customers feel like you’re listening to them by giving them a platform to freely share and manage their preferences.

Create a sense of intimacy with your buyers

Increase customer engagement

Effectively increase consumer engagement by enhancing the process of data sharing to continuously grow their Customer Lifetime Value.

Grow Customer Lifetime Value

Build stronger, longer-lasting relationship

Build longer-lasting, meaningful relationships with consumers by giving them full agency over their data and listening to their suggestions to minimize churn rates.

Lower customer churn

Allow your customers to speak

Give your customers a voice to hyper-personalize your marketing campaigns and processes using their individual preferences and increase conversion rates.

Take personalization to a new level and increase conversions

Gather data ethically and consensually

Build a relationship based on informed consent, with no middlemen in the whole process. Own the data you use and be in control of the development of the relationship and the direction of the conversation.

Base marketing on owned relationships

Gather zero-party data

Gain independence from third-party data by focusing on collecting, managing, and using your own zero- and first-party data to consistently prepare for a cookieless future and new data privacy regulations.

Prepare for a cookieless future and new data privacy

Create a true sense of inimacy with your
buyers by gathering Zero-Party Data


Start listening to your customers!

Customers don’t want to be anonymous. They want to receive communication based on their explicit needs. As research shows, 72% of them only want to engage with personalized messaging. This is exactly why we’re upgrading our platform with high-end Customer Preference Management features. They will help eCommerce businesses gather zero-party data directly from their customers and immediately activate this data by executing omnichannel campaigns in real time.


We want your customers to be heard!

Many tools ensure the flow of valuable zero-party data to the Customer Data Platform. These include quizzes, pop-ups, and other forms. The most advanced tool that combines the capabilities of these features are state-of-the-art Customer Preference Centers. They allow users to share and manage the most important information about themselves and how they see their relationship with the brand in a single place.


Collect zero-party data!

The Customer Preference Center allows you to use various built-in tools from the Customer Data Platform to collect information about consumers, like product preferences, personal data, marketing consents or even preferred channels and frequency of communication. You can freely combine and use them to get to know your audience even better.


Build stronger, more meaningful relationships with your customers!

The beautiful thing is that the data can be developed and collected in any direction, depending on how the business, product line, and customers evolve. Use it to build better personalized communication that increases Customer Lifetime Value.

The Customer Preference Center at Work

We want your customers to be heard more. Here’s how you can give them a platform:

Build a personal preference dashboard for your customers. Invite them to the Customer Preference Center landing page prepared to collect all available types of data, including product preferences, personal data, marketing consents, and preferred channels and frequency. In this Center give them full control over what their experience and purchase path will look like. The data will enrich customer profiles. You can use it to tailor communications and recommendations to each customer’s liking.

Invite all users to enter a new level of relationship via email, including a link to the Customer Preference Center with all four tabs. Let them know that from now on, they have full control over the data they provide and their marketing consent. Use collected data to fully personalize communications across the indicated channels, show relevant recommendations, and match content to indicated preferences.

Gather data through the website using pop-ups. Prepare short quizzes that allow users to share their preferences on products available in the store. Using automation rules, send an email with relevant content and suggestions for the best products based on the submitted information to bring customers back to your website and encourage new purchases.

Activate dormant users. Invite them to specify their communication preferences through the Center with the Channels & Frequency tab and encourage users to indicate their preferred channels, days, hours, and intensity of communication. Use this information to send them messages at the right time and in the right channel to increase engagement with the brand.

Listen to feedback from people who already know the company and the product through a survey. This will help you to adjust and update the marked preferences from before. Invite every person who recently bought something from your store to complete it. Use the feedback to appeal to their needs even more and thus increase average order value and frequency.

SALESmanago’s Customer Preference Center is the only tool that offers a complete zero-party data collection and management suite in one place

Perfectly tailored tool for eCommerce to gather zero-party data ethically

Preference management for all identified contacts:

  • Product preference management
  • Personal preference management
  • Communication preference management (channels and frequency)
  • Consent management

Many possibilities to link tool within the system to collect data:

  • Landing page
  • Email
  • Pop-up

Powerful tool to introduce marketing based on zero-party data:

  • Product recommendations
  • Customer segmentation
  • Automation processes

Near real-time data update on a contact card

Easy, intuitive, no-code wizard

Quick implementation

Maximize eCommerce revenue growth… the lean way