Identification of visitors on your website


The SALESmanago Marketing Automation system features a unique, and one of the most advanced modules currently used for identification and monitoring of website visitors. Unlike to the other analytical tools, our system provides information about the visits and behavior of specific users. This enables the system to create behavioral profiles, along with generating automatic response to their various behaviors. It is a very heart of the Marketing Automation platform.

Try 30 days SALESmanago for free

Available features

  • The system identifies visitors to a website
  • The solution identifies the sources of visits and search phrases
  • Consecutive visits of the same visitor to a selected website are automatically identified
  • Hardware/software identification – the system recognizes the hardware, browser and operating system the visitor used to reach your website
  • Geolocation – use this feature to identify the location from which your website has been contacted

Effects of use

  • Unique sales knowledge about your customer’s interests
  • Knowledge of time when the customer’s sales need arises
  • Automated customer segmentation according to their interests
  • More leads in the sales process
  • More efficient use of the database of your contacts
  • Ability to monitor user behavior in response to marketing campaigns

Customer Reference

„SALESmanago account management is extremely efficient and well organized. Our project manager is fast in reply and efficient is solution finding and advice recommendation. Being new to the technology, we have worked very close to support and received guidance and solutions to our questions and issues. We are also on top of the new developments of Sales Manago thanks to our project manager’s openness to always present us novelties and support in deciding which works for us and in what moment. Happy customers with both our account and the solution.”
Adelina Toma, Online Manager CE – Cosmetics Oriflame Romania SRL