Key Martech Metrics

Customer Experience Management

73% of marketers believe a Customer Data Platform will be critical to their Customer Experience efforts

(Martech Series, 12.2020)

According to 53% of marketing executives, their CDPs can be helpful to engage and understand existing customers’ needs to increase the probability of clients turn to repeat and loyal customers


44% of organizations found CDP helping in driving customer loyalty

(Forbes, 06.2020)

90% of customers are willing to share behavioral data if they can get additional benefits to make the shopping cycle cheaper or easier


In the last years, the overall volume of events that customers have tracked through Customer Data Platform increased by 60%


Just over 50% of consumers buy something after receiving a marketing email at least once a month.


After implementing personalization, 93% of companies see a rise in conversion rates.


Implementing a wishlist in an online store increases sales by 19.3% on average


Proper data analysis supported by data visualization can lead to a 60% increase in the user base within six months.


42% of users save items in cart and 31% use a wishlist to purchase later.


80% of frequent shoppers only buy from brands that personalize their experience. —


Search Engine Revolution

By 2021, early adopter brands that redesign their websites to support visual and voice search will increase digital commerce revenue by 30%

(Gartner, 10.2017)

62% of Millennials desire the ability to visually search over any other new technology

(Social Media Today, 01.2019)

59% of customers think visual information is more important than textual information across categories (vs. 41% who think textual information is more important)

(Businesswire, 01.2019)

27% of other cases will not produce useful results if users misspell just one character in the product title - unlike our product

(Baymard, 02.2020)

36% of respondents have performed or used Visual Search the same rate as voice search

(Businesswire, 01.2019)

Currently, only 8% of retailers have built image search into their web inventory


61% of standard search engines get results below consumer expectations

(Baymard, 02.2020)

70% of competition search engines do not support synonyms and related terms

(Baymard, 11.2015)

46% of other search engines do not support thematic inquiries

(Baymard, 02.2020)

32% of market search engines do not support symbols and abbreviations, which causes users to lose perfectly targeted product

(Baymard, 02.2020)

Comprehensive Dissatisfaction

70% of marketers are dissatisfied with the software they use


44% is a percentage of users dissatisfied because their software is too difficult to learn and manage

(AutopilotHQ, 02.2015)

61% of users think that the learning process of a new automation system is too complicated

(Emailmonday, 06.2018)

25% of users do not know how to use the tools effectively with generating satisfactory income

(AutopilotHQ, 02.2015)

58% of people stop buying with a company because of poor customer experience.


70% of millennials are frustrated with brands sending irrelevant offers.


82% of marketing executives would consider leaving their employer if they felt the data approach was not ethical.


40% of shoppers think their shopping experience would be better if retailers offered a wishlist where they can save items they’re interested in.


71% of consumers feel frustrated when a shopping experience is impersonal. —


74% of customers feel frustrated when website content is not personalized. —


70% of Commerces don’t allow subscribers to select how often they will be emailed.

Only 4% of companies segment with multiple data types.

(Higher logic)

Customers’ Loyalty

Customers in the loyalty program spend 12-18% more on eCommerce each year

(Accenture, 02.2017)

5 to 25

5 to 25 times Acquiring a new customer costs 5 to 25 times more than keeping a current one

(Harvard Business Review, 10.2014)

43% of customers spending more money at brands they’re loyal to

(Fundera, 07.2019)

75% of customers are most likely to buy from a retailer that recognizes them by name and recommends products based on previous purchases.


54% of U.S. consumers say customer experience at most companies needs improvement.


56% of online shoppers are more likely to return to a site that recommends products. —


Companies with the strongest omnichannel customer engagement strategies retain 89% of their customers on average.

(Aberdeen Group Inc)

Segmentation and Personalization

Marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue.

(Campaign Monitor)

70% of consumers say they would pay more attention to personalized products.


Segmentation makes companies 130% more likely to research the motivations of their buyers and 60% more likely to understand their fears and challenges.


77% of the ROI generated through email marketing comes from audience segmentation, targeted, and triggered campaigns.

(Higher Logic)

Segmented campaigns get 14.37% more opens and 64.78% more clicks.


77% of marketing ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns.


Non-targeted campaigns show a 50% lower CTR than segmented campaigns.

(Higher logic)

Segmentation leads to 3 to 5% increase in returns on promoted sales.


Segmentation causes companies to be 60% more likely to understand customers.


Using personalization on the homepage can increase sales by 7%.


65% of email marketers say dynamic content is their most effective personalization tactic. —


Communication channels:

In 2020 Web Push notifications ended the year with a 28% conversion rate with a YoY growth of 478%.


Push notifications can generate high ROI for businesses. It can bring you a ROI of up to 2200% and increase your daily traffic by up to 25%.


Email is one of the top 3 distribution channels for B2C marketers.


80% of retail professionals indicate that email marketing is their biggest driver of customer retention.


For campaigns with intriguing content, or for transactional or targeted notifications with small user groups, CTR can go as high as 30%


The average deliverability of Web Push notifications is 80%. It depends on the device used by the receiver.



76% of marketers experience a positive ROI within a year from implementing Marketing Automation.


Marketing Automation increases sales for 80% of marketers
