Cordia Case Study

Cordia Cystersow Garden increases engagement with email marketing by 500% using customer segmentation, personalization and automation of communication, and improves cooperation between sales and marketing.

Customer of SALESmanago Marketing Automation - Cordia

Cordia, a market leading residential developer in Hungary, a subsidiary of Futureal Group, one of 20 top real estate enterprises in Europe, searched for innovative marketing solutions for its new project: Cordia Cystersow Garden in Cracow, Poland.


Cordia saw that in order to reach customers, it must strengthen the cooperation between sales and marketing and personalize communication to address the following problems:

  • Dynamics of real estate market – low purchase frequency and long-lasting research preceding the deal, entailing high risk of losing a lead during the process.
  • A need for creating a solid bridge – between sales and marketing departments and utilizing knowledge obtained on a user from his behavior on the website in conversation with sales people.
  • Ineffectiveness of bulk email marketing – campaigns in the real estate industry.


Cordia implemented SALESmanago Marketing Automation Platform to personalize communication and improve information flow between sales and marketing departments. The following SALESmanago solutions were used:

  • Customer segmentation – implementing simple segmentation matrix allowed to tag users according to features they search for (number of rooms, price).
  • Dynamic personalization of website content (banners, pop-ups) – implementing simple segmentation matrix allowed to tag users according to features they search for (number of rooms, price).
  • Integration of contact forms – thus salesperson could see full customer profile (interests, history of offers viewed) next to contact data. Deepened employees’ insight and intelligence on customers improved quality of calls. What was also expanded was amount of opportunities for users to subscribe – e.g. when downloading apartment cart.
  • Dynamic 1-to-1 emails – implementing automated messages such as welcome, reminding of interrupted action, encouraging to asking questions, with special offers addressed to engaged users (with high scoring).
  • Targeted mailings – next to dynamic emails regular promotional email campaigns were conducted. These were carefully targeted and personalized to ensure messages’ relevancy.


Cordia experienced immediate improvement in email marketing efficiency and sales increase:

  • increase in customer engagement with email marketing (increased open and conversion rates)
  • growth in number of contacts obtained from the website
  • increase in efficiency of sales department
  • reduction in lead leakage

Options of further development

  • Integration of Marketing Automation platform with CRM
  • Deepened analytics of marketing performance
  • Integrations with external advertising platforms or survey applications