Behavioral Profiling

Build 360º customer profiles. Focus on your customers needs.

Behavioral Profiling

SALESmanago identifies your website visitors and mobile app users

SALESmanago enables you to build behavioral profiles of your potential and current customers to better understand their needs and react to their activities in real-time. System identifies your website visitors and mobile app users, showing you what they're interested in, what products they browse, add to cart or buy. With SALESmanago you can track any on-line behavior and use this to better target your campaigns, trigger automation processes or alert your sales team on hot lead`s activity.

Individual customer profiles can be easily grouped based on their similarities. SALESmanago can automatically segment your database using information on:

  • activities on the website
  • activities in the mobile app
  • products added to cart
  • on-line purchases
  • off-line purchases
  • emails opened
  • emails clicked
  • banners clicked
  • videos watched on your website
  • live chat conversations
  • CDP data
  • lead scoring

Areas of use

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