Social Media Posting

The SALESmanago publishing module is a tool that automates many common work activities in Social Media marketing. The option to integrate Facebook and Twitter makes planning and publishing of posts or tweets faster while allowing for both real-time and scheduled posting.

Keep in mind that a published post on Facebook can be boosted right from the SALESmanago Marketing Automation system. Learn more here

Facebook ads - campaigns via SALESmanago

Analysing Social Media post popularity and effectiveness

The SALESmanago Marketing Automation system allows for detailed analysis of published post popularity. In the case of posts on Facebook, it is possible to analyse the total and unique reach of a post on a specific Fan Page, as well as the number of comments, likes and shares.

Moreover, for each post or tweet individual statistics on likes, shares and comments are gathered. Thanks to the analytics tools available in SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform, you can easily compare data from conducting email marketing, website marketing and social media – this helps to prepare better marketing campaigns in the future.

User benefits:

  • Easily integrate with Facebook and Twitter accounts
  • Integrate Facebook and Twitter user accounts with no limits
  • Save time and effort by publishing a single post on multiple Fan Pages at the same time
  • Schedule post and tweet publishing in the future
  • Preview and edit all scheduled posts
  • Run analysis on post or tweet popularity
  • Instantly preview all published posts on an account

Customer Reference

„From July I am using SALESmanago; my company is related to coaching and I do not have permanent employees in marketing. Since I have been using SALESmanago, I have gone further in many issues, solving them and increasing conversions to my company. Now, I have implemented email, automation rules, sales funnel, and contact forms in my website. I strongly believe that experience is good, and support given to me is premium, they always give us good suggestions, and provide us with real solutions linked to innovative technology. I believe Marketing Automation from SALESmanago joined to Support Team is a good solution for small & medium companies. A plus point to SALESmanago is that all trainings can be performed in Spanish, that is a key fact to develop our business faster.” Ingeniero Fernando Grigera, Owner, Digicampus