Facebook Ads Integration

Facebook ads - campaigns via SALESmanago

Facebook is a vital communication channel for most companies nowadays. SALESmanago and Facebook Ads integration combines the power of social media and Marketing Automation. That opens new possibilities such as using behavioural and transactional data to target ad campaigns, educate potential customers or promote products and services they are most interested in.

Unique SALESmanago Marketing Automation features allow you create and manage Ads, Facebook Custom Audiences, optimize and analyse effects of campaigns directly from our panel. Combining Facebook Ads analytics with SALESmanago Analytical Dashboards you can research data from different channels to optimize communication in all marketing channels.

Creating Ad Campaigns

An intuitive Facebook Ad campaign wizard let you define precisely the action/goal you want to achieve

  • Boosting a post
  • Sending people to a website
  • Increasing conversion
  • Promoting a product catalogue

That way your campaigns have a specific, measurable target. Next, in the simple wizard, you set all campaign parameters:

  • Target audience
  • Schedule (Continuous or Scheduled within specific days and hours)
  • Budget (Lifetime or Daily)
  • Action for charging account
  • Bid Amount (Automatic or Manual)

In the wizard, you can also upload:

  • Image and text for the ad
  • Call-to-action button
  • See ad preview in desktop feed, mobile feed and right column standard (at the end you just have to press the activation button)
  • Upload a product catalogue and detailed information to be shown with the promoted product
  • Then you can see ad preview in desktop feed, mobile feed and right column standard. At the end you just have to press the activation button.

Creating Facebook Custom Audiences

SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform allows customers to target Facebook Ads according to various criteria and data. Thanks to the integration, you can create Facebook Custom Audiences based on users’ behavior monitored by the system, such as

  • Contact was added to system
  • Contact was tagged
  • Contact reached sales stage
  • Contact score exceeds
  • External event(any data send to SALESmanago from 3rd party tool)
  • Contact opted-out
  • Contact visited a given url
  • Contact opened email
  • Contact clicked email

In the result, you can address an ad to people who viewed a given product, abandoned shopping cart, are on a specific stage of the marketing or sales campaign, or to another precisely defined group. When you target your ads with such precision by means of Marketing Automation tools, you get much better results, because messages are really relevant to the recipients.

Analytics of Facebook Campaigns

SALESmanago is also an advanced analytical platform that monitors all of the most important parameters like:

  • Amount of money spent during the campaign
  • Reach of the campaign
  • Number of impressions
  • Campaingn’s cost per action (CPA)

That way you not only get more control over social media marketing, but can also optimize your efforts in the channel. What is also important, you can edit your campaign in Facebook Ads manager with just one click, what makes real-time optimization extremely easy.

Analytics of Custom Audiences

Thanks to the SALESmanago Marketing Automation system you can evaluate the efficiency of the Custom Audiences you create, monitoring the number of displays and CPA for each group. With that insight, you can personalize your ads more accurately to deliver relevant messages to your fans and increase the performance of campaigns. SALESmanago enables to monitor all of the most important custom audiences parameters. For each post you can track:

  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Amount of the money spent

Custom Audiences Analytics also provides information about Contacts flow during the chosen period. All that analytics and intelligence will help you tailor your ads more precisely to customers and groups of customers, as well as optimize your social media marketing budget to ensure it delivers substantial results.

Example of use

Compiling social media and Marketing Automation in all channels, from website marketing, to email, to other ads networks and push messages can take on various forms. For starters, see the following examples for your inspiration.

  • 1.  A contact visits your website and opts in for newsletter
  • 2.  An automation rule adds that contact to Facebook Custom Audience for new subscribers
  • 3.  You display an ad in her Facebook feed
  • 4.  She clicks on an ad, goes back to the website and purchases the product
  • 5.  The contact is moved to another Custom Audience – one dedicated for upselling campaigns.


  • 1.  A contact abandons shopping cart
  • 2.  An automation rule adds the contact to the abandoned cart Custom Audience
  • 3.  An ad is displayed in contact’s feed to encourage her to finalize the transaction.


What do you get from integrating Facebook ads with your Marketing Automation Platform?

  • Converting fans to sales leads
  • Tapping into the potential of the fan base
  • Establishing direct, personal relationship with each one of them
  • New methods of recovering abandoned carts
  • New source of contacts and leads
  • More control over the social media budget
  • Innovative way of reaching customers who opted out from the newsletter or reviving inactive contacts

>> Register For 30 Days Free Trial

Remember: that integration isn’t extra-paid. It’s a standard SALESmanago feature you can use

without any additional fees or limits.

Customer Reference

„Effective training and friendly customer service (Nida) made our experience in transitioning into using marketing automation tool SALESmanago interesting and productive. The ability to create & save different templates is so useful as we rotate our marketing efforts to highlight our different service offerings. The points report on which our repeated marketing efforts are focused have started to produce results and we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the SALESmanago team!”
Daniel Victor, Business Development Manager – Rapid Care