Pixers Case Study

Pixers, SALESmanago’s customer, is a creator of the idea of personalized interior, which offers the widest range of patterns that can completely change every surface at your home. Walls, furniture, ceilings or mirrors – all this can be decorated with various pictures, photograph wallpapers, stickers and posters of all kinds. In fact, home interior, designed by them, can tell much more about you than any word – after all there’s a reason people say: a picture is worth a thousand words. In this short piece, we will tell you about PIXERS, show the marketing automation strategies they’ve implemented and share their method of faster and more efficient integration with SALESmanago.

Customer of SALESmanago Marketing Automation - Pixers

Over million photos and the possibility of uploading your own creations, online store available in 11 languages, international shipping and eco materials – that is just a drop in the ocean of PIXERS’ power. What improves their relationship with a customer? The company uses 4 key scenarios, which motivate their customers to make a purchase. They are mostly based on external events, tagging and automation rules. So here they are, let’s dive in!


Greeting scenario includes 4 messages to users, who have signed up for the newsletter. Thanks to the proper tagging of the recipients of the messages such as “Signup_popup”, automation rules are being activated, taking care of sending the remaining emails. Data gathered from external events, such as website visits, enable PIXERS to send dynamic content in the messages, including products watched by the user or recommendations based on their interests and preferences.

Pixers campaign

Joanna Stacherczak, E-mail Marketing Coordinator at PIXERS, confirms higher OR (ca. 50%) and CTR in above mentioned messages, as well as much better purchase results coming directly from those emails.

Abandoned Cart

That strategy consists of 2 emails to customers, who put items in their online shopping carts, but leave before completing the purchase. In this very moment system creates an external event – CART, which allows PIXERS to extract customer’s data and react respectively. Emails present dynamic and personalized offers with abandoned products from the cart. These are the messages that arouse great interest among the subscribers (around 50% OR) and result in the very good conversion rate.

Behavior-Based Reaction

This plan is designed for users, who agreed to receive the emails and viewed at least one of the products. In this scenario the consumer receives a coupon for the previously viewed product. As in “abandoned cart emails, messages here are also individual for each consumer, packed with the dynamic content, based on the external event – VISIT.

Happy Birthday

A company also experiments with a birthday scenario for some time already. Using a date of birth collected by SALESmanago platform, system not only can segmentate according to the age group, but also send birthday emails with a gift such as an online store coupon.

Happy Birthday

Further development plans with marketing automaton include emails encouraging customers, who have already ordered something, to purchase once again.

SALESmanago Integration

PIXERS knows the great benefits of sharing knowledge, that’s why they hold an enterprise named FREExers, designed for sharing the work results of the IT department with an open-source license. Their libraries, shared on Github, are available to download and use at no charge.

“Our main goal was to create eCommerce platform, which dynamically adjust to customer’s interests and preferences. To achieve this effect we decided to use SALESmanago Marketing Automation system, which allows us to send personalized emails with product recommendations meeting consumer’s needs”,says Antoni Orfin, Chief Software Architect at PIXERS.

“The solutions we designed enable easy and intuitive integration of any application created in PHP with SALESmanago. Additionally, we’ve prepared a package for SALESmanago integration with one of the most popular PHP framework – Symfony”.

With the access to the libraries, integration is easier than ever before. If you also want to integrate your app created in PHP with SALESmanago, feel free to use these libraries designed by PIXERS:

PIXERS customizes interior in a way that wasn’t possible before. Modern lounge, provencal cuisine or maybe a bohemian bedroom? Your imagination is the only limit! They’ll help you to transfer your surroundings in a countless number of ways! Tell them your story and enjoy the complete change of your milieu!

It’s been almost a year since we published this guest post. Do you want to know how is the cooperation between SLAESmanago and PIXERS going?

The first and most important news is that PIXERS increased efficiency in email marketing channel by 1066%, thanks to client segmentation, and sending personalized, dynamic emails. Their dynamic messages to save abandoned carts achieve spiking 320% conversion rate compared to standard email campaigns.

A reminder: by applying the automation Pixers wanted to reach the potential clients with content tailored to their interests, and by this, increase the conversion rate.

When the process started, we set three major goals:

  • A wide spectrum of available products – the need for personalized content addressed to the recipients followed by the need of pointing out the products the client might be interested in.
  • Large amount of contacts collected from the website – necessity for gaining the interest of visitors, and encouraging them for visiting the site again.
  • Some of the transactions are being lost on the level of the shopping cart – the necessity of encouraging the clients for finalizing the transaction.

PIXERS, thanks to the implementation of messages with dynamically matched content, such as a cycle of welcome messages or birthday messages, has risen the effectivity in email marketing channel and has noted increased conversion rate.

Download the full Case Study and learn all the applied solutions, see the results and read about the possibilities of further growth of PIXERS & SALESmanago duo.

An article edited in cooperation with PIXERS’ experts – Joanna Stacherczak, Email Marketing Manager and Antoni Orfin, Chief Software Architect