

Dynamic SALESmanago content is an innovative solution allowing e-stores to achieve maximum effectiveness of e-mail marketing and online sale. Personalized marketing brings effects in any business, be it specialist medical stores, e-bookshops, leading online clothing or footwear retailers.

SALESmanago Marketing Automation automates the entire process of new customer acquisition, starting with progressive pop-ups, through conversion-boosting dynamic emails to product recommendations published on websites and personalized RTB advertising – Marketing Automation impacts stores’ performance at all levels.

eCommerce in practice

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SALESmanago for eCommerce – examples of use:

Automated dynamic emails

  • Emails with suggestions concerning products viewed by the lead during the most recent visit
  • Emails fine-tuned according to the entire history of the lead’s visits
  • Emails with suggestions concerning products similar to those viewed by the lead
  • Emails with recommendations of products complementing those recently purchased
  • Up-selling. Messages recommending more expensive up-grades to products the lead has been interested in so far
  • Dynamic message titles fine-tuned to the contact’s product interests 

Saving shopping cart:

  • Static shopping cart abandonment emails
  • Static shopping cart abandonment texts
  • Personalized shopping cart abandonment texts with personal data, information on the lead’s sex, previously allowed discounts as well as transactional data
  • Dynamic shopping cart abandonment emails presenting items added to the cart, with details of previous discounts and transactions

Newsletter personalization:

  • Message content tailored to personal details, sex, address, age and interests
  • Newsletters filtered according to the lead’s sex
  • Segmented messages sent to groups of contacts interested in particular product categories
  • Newsletters with discounts for non-active customers
  • Classical newsletters with partially personalized content
  • Personalized message titles 

Progressive pop-ups:

  • pop-ups with individual discount codes only for unidentified contacts
  • pop-ups defined by the source of visit
  • pop-ups with extra credit for first order 

Dynamic recommendations on website:

  • Hints on products viewed by the lead during the previous visit
  • Special individually-adjusted prices for recently viewed products
  • Boxes with recommended products based on the history of visits
  • Product up-selling directly in the shopping cart