Domfan Case Study increases the number of transactions closed by 140% thanks to dynamic 1-to-1 newsletters; conversion rate grows by 33% after implementation of a sales funnel.

Customer of SALESmanago Marketing Automation - Domfan imports commodities from the European Union and sells home accessories from mail-order catalogs. The e-store offers furniture, decorations and electronics. It operates throughout Poland. Domfan also has its own design studio at customers’ disposal.




The company wanted to improve creation and coordination of their email campaigns and replace manually created messages with a module of cyclic sending that would tailor content to user’s behavioral profile. The second aim was to close deals more efficiently and activate as many initially interested users as possible. The following objectives were set:

  • Delivering personalized content to a broad audience in weekly newsletters
  • Converting anonymous traffic on the website
  • Activating contacts that don’t show purchase readiness
  • Implementing a complex loyalty program
  • Improving the sales closing rate

Solution applied SALESmanago to increase sales and building a loyalty program combined with a mechanism mobilizing inactive users. A weekly sending of dynamic 1-to-1 emails presenting the most popular products from the category given user viewed supports these activities.

SALESmanago features applied:

  • Dynamic 1-to-1 emails after the visit: – 24 hours after the customer has visited the website, an email with the products from the last viewed category is sent.
  • Cyclic messages with smart recommendations: – each user gets a personalized presentation of the most popular products from the categories user is interested in.
  • Pop-up contact form for anonymous users: – pop-up is displayed to users after their second visit on the website to convert them into the potential customers.
  • Sales funnel: – pushing more engaged customers up the sales funnel till the transaction is closed.
  • Win back rule: – activating users with a coupon for a free delivery after no visit in a month.
  • Matching the type of a discount to the customers’ engagement: – automatically increasing discount for more active users.

Success monitors individual customer’s engagement through the whole buying cycle, what increases the number of transactions made in the store. Automating weekly dynamic emails relieved the staff from creating offers manually. Delivering a personalized content to every user of companies broad audience increased conversion.

  • Increase of the transactions made by 140%
  • Increase of the numbers of leads generated by 40% after implementing the pop-up for the anonymous users
  • Increase of the retention rate by 81% thanks to post-sale service
  • Increase of conversion rate by 33% thanks to effective sales closing and implementing win-back programs for inactive users

Options of further development

  • Integration with Facebook (Custom Audiences) – targeting Facebook ads with discount coupon to people who abandoned shopping cart and don’t have such coupon yet to encourage them to finalize the purchase.
  • Dynamic banners – tailoring the content to particular user’s interests. Such banners are displayed according to tags or the stage of the campaign at which a contact is at the moment.

“We implemented SALESmanago, because we believe that there is a potential in email marketing into which we haven’t tapped before. After conducting an analysis with SALESmanago, team we understood that the system would allow us to run efficient email marketing without engaging a huge team. Although it must be said that without SALESmanago, support the beginnings would have been tough because it’s a very advanced tool.” Janusz Ratajski, Leading Manager