C21 Be Brave Case Study

C21 Be Brave transforms its email marketing and increases CTR by 463% and conversion by 621% .

Customer of SALESmanago Marketing Automation - C21 Be Brave

C21 Be Brave is a fashion and accessories e-commerce, based in Madrid, Spain. The company used to focus on traditional bulk email marketing, which delivered unsatisfactory results:

  • Open Rate (OR): 29.2%
  • Click Through Rate (CTR): 4.1%
  • Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR): 14%
  • Conversion Rate: 1.1%


C21 Be Brave was facing low conversion rates and experienced grave difficulties in turning visitors into customers. Users viewed products, added them to carts and showed interest, but didn’t take any further action. Hence the company saw:

  • Huge discrepancy between traffic and purchases in the store
  • Low sales
  • Lack of customer engagement in email marketing (low OR and CTR)


C21 Be Brave decided to implement SALESmanago Marketing Automation Platform to increase email conversion and improve sales. In consequence, they changed dramatically their concept of email marketing, shifting emphasis from bulk messages to dynamic 1-to-1 emails.

  • Dynamic 1-to-1 emails sent after visit – sending a message with tailored offer (4 products viewed but not bought by given user) 2 hours after visit that did not concluded with purchase.
  • Dynamic abandoned cart rescue emails – sending emails to contact who added products to the cart, but didn’t finalize the transaction.

3 emails of that kind were delivered:

  • 2 hours after the visit 2 24 hours after the visit,
  • 24 hours after the visit,
  • summary of the two above.

C21 Be Brave saw growing CTR, OR and CTOR.

Dynamic 1-to-1 emails sent after visit showed:

  • 248% increase in OR (in comparison to traditional bulk email)
  • 463% increase in CTR (in comparison to traditional bulk email)
  • 186% increase in CTOR (in comparison to traditional bulk email)
  • 152% increase in Conversion Rate (in comparison to traditional bulk email)

Dynamic abandoned cart rescue emails showed:

  • 193% increase in OR (in comparison to traditional bulk email)
  • 439% increase in CTR (in comparison to traditional bulk email)
  • 221% increase in CTOR (in comparison to traditional bulk email)
  • 621% increase in Conversion Rate (in comparison to traditional bulk email)

Options of further development:

  • Constant optimization of automated, personalized 1-to-1 dynamic e-mail processes.
  • Implementing dynamic banners as a complimentary means of relevant, individualized offers.
  • Including Anonymous Marketing Automation strategies to capture anonymous users and turn them into subscribers.
  • Developing m-commerce strategy including creating a mobile application (using APPmanago to personalize communication in the app).