AIF Law Office Case Study

The AIF Law Office introduces service-related landing pages and educational cycles to enhance the quality of communication with customers. In the result of personalization, OR increases by 20%. The number of customers served over the phone grows by the same number.
Customer of SALESmanago Marketing Automation - Aif

AIF Law Office is a modern law firm, established on 2001 and active in 48 countries. It specializes in collecting debts as well as in purchase and sale of receivables, and business information for small and medium enterprises. Company’s success comes from experience, knowledge, and a strong team.


Until now, the company acquired new customers mostly via phone, email and on direct meetings, and on the daily basic used a traditional email marketing software. Firstly, email addresses were obtained during the phone calls, and then offers were sent to them. After that contacts were added to the mailing list and AIF sent regular newsletters and offers to them. The aim was to automate customer acquisition process and ensuring high quality of consulting and service.

The following challenges were set:

  • turning anonymous website visitors into potential customers,
  • optimizing lead distribution among sales people to optimize the process without compromising on service quality,
  • educating leads about the offer,
  • handling potential customers more efficiently.


To address the problems listed above, AIF implemented:

  • Landing Page: – AIF captures leads with a contact form on a landing page. Users can choose when they would like to be approached by a dedicated specialist.
  • Lead Nurturing – Leads are nurtured with education email cycles. They get 6 messages each, one email per 7 days, from the moment when user is added to the system.
  • Sales funnel – AIF uses sales funnel for contacts in the base. It represents buyer’s journey. When the intent is recognized, a contact is moved to the last stage, at which sales reps call the potential customers to discuss final details and close the deal.
  • Lead distribution: – newly acquired contacts are assigned automatically to a salesperson. That way the communication is personalized from the very beginning.
  • Alerts for Customer Service Team: – Staff members are automatically notified when customers in interested in a particular type of content. When they see someone researching a problem and browsing related materials on the website, they can react and answer questions in real time.


AIF Law Office increased the website traffic. Automation helped them segment customers at the very early stage, according to their interests. Contacts are also efficiently distributed among the specialists. Introducing sales funnel, supported by Lead Nurturing, allowed for comprehensive service and better workforce management.

  • 100% of leads automatically distributed among 8 specialists.
  • Email Open Rate increased by 20% The number of customers served over the phone increased by 20%.
  • Website traffic increased by 5%.

Options for further development

  • RTB Ads: Ads targeted at visitors who abandoned the website without opting on for email.
  • Dynamic banners: tailoring the offer display to each visitor individually.
  • SMS: Sending SMS reminding about consultations.

“When someone is interested in a given problem and views materials related to that issue, we try to provide information the person might find useful in a short email cycle. That way we help find a solution and build trust, so when we approach potential customers directly, they recognize the brand. Thanks to SALESmanago we could automate large part of the process. As we learned the system more, our results increased, mostly due to the implementation of the sales funnel and segmentation. That way we can send more personalized emails and newsletters.
Tomasz Brusiło, CEO