Web Push Notifications

One of the basic goals of SALESmanago is to extend communication channels with prospects and existing customers in order to reach the biggest possible number of users with maximally personalized content. The Web Push notification solution enables to conduct communication in a custom way, even with anonymous users. It only takes for a contact to visit a monitored website and agree to receive web push notifications.

There’s no need to leave any personal data, like email address, for example. The time of sending a web push notification is quite flexible. The only condition that needs to be met in order for the user to receive a web push is to keep the web browser window open, with no need to be at that particular website at that time.

How to get a permission to send web push notifications?

In order to acquire a permission for sending web push notifications, a website visitor needs to click the „ok” button on the permission form. If it’s a monitored contact, a defined tag will be automatically assigned which will allow for better segmentation of contacts database. In case of anonymous contacts, SALESmanago system will show information on given permission, while in analytics section, the number of anonymous contacts we can send web pushes to will be highlighted. In the case when a user declines to receive web push notifications, we may set the time after which the permission form will be shown again, e.g. after a week or at the next visit of a given user to the website.

Sending Web Push Notifications

SALESmanago enables to send the unlimited number of Web Push notifications. The process of their creation is really simple. You shall use the 3-step creator and:

  • upload small graphics
  • add short text
  • define URL address to which the user will be redirected after clicking the web push

The group of recipients should be defined by selecting permission form. You may also define whether the web push should be sent to all contacts, or to anonymous only. The last step is setting time of sending and notification activity time. Sent web pushes analytics enables to analyze the effectiveness of actions; this can be calculated basing on the number of sent, seen and clicked web push notifications.

Benefits for users:

  • Communicating with anonymous and/or identified contacts
  • New way of communicating with users
  • Contact database segmentation based on permissions given to receive web push notifications
  • Adjusting time of sending notifications to contact’s activity
  • Delivering information as a web push even when the user is not on your website
  • Setting activity time for notifications to up to 4 weeks
  • Ability to create several agreement forms
  • Unlimited number of web push notifications
  • Simple implementation