Travel agencies


Lots of customers and not enough offers? SALESmanago Marketing Automation system is a great solution for a fast growing online tours booking bussiness. Now you can reach every one of them with tailored offers created automatically by the system. SALESmanago Marketing Automation is successfully used by travel agencies like Rainbow or Travel Planet.

Examples of use

Dynamic email offers:

  • Dynamic email after the customer’s visit to the website, offering recently viewed tours
  • Dynamic email reactivating customers a few weeks after their last visit to the website
  • Dynamic email adapted to the customer’s entire visit history
  • Dynamic email customised according to transactional data – proposing tours to places linked with the customer’s previously purchased trips
  • Dynamic email rescuing an abandoned shopping cart
  • Dynamic email subjects using information about countries the customer was interested in

Dynamic website content:

  • Dynamic pop-up proposing help with choosing a tour
  • Progressive pop-ups for untracked contacts encouraging to subscribe to a newsletter
  • Dynamic systems recommending tours that the customer skipped during the last visit
  • Individual, real-time, on-site marketing messages, controlled manually based on information on who is visiting the website at that particular moment

Email Marketing:

  • Classic newsletters tracking the customers
  • Birthday emails
  • A welcome message after the customer’s subscription to a newsletter
  • Drip campaign – a series of educational messages sent after having detected a customer at an early stage of the purchasing process
  • Lead Nurturing – smart series of messages adjusted to the customer’s current interests
  • Win-back – email campaigns addressed to former customers that have been inactive for a longer period of time
  • Email campaigns segmented according to countries and regions viewed

Boosting direct sale:

  • Integrated call centre module sending priority leads, together with a complete behavioural profile and a conversation script
  • Alerts sent to sales departments after detecting the customer’s interest
  • Automated sales campaigns autonomously moving contacts to the next stage of the cycle when their interest rises / when they fulfil certain conditions

Lead Generation:

  • Facebook contest apps, Facebook event tracking, custom audiences – Facebook ads targeting
  • Progressive pop-ups displayed only for anonymous customers
  • Real-time alerts transferring information about the lead’s visit to the website to the sales department
  • Dynamic pop-ups for identified leads
  • Sidebars / pop-ups with newsletter subscription + discount codes sent in exchange for subscription
  • Real-time recommendation system
  • Dynamic banner ads displayed according to the contact’s activity