Taiwangun Case Study

Thanks to the SALESmanago contact forms Taiwangun.com has increased their contact base by 37% within a year and through the dynamic messages gets more than 200% better results in the direct communication with the customers.

Customer of SALESmanago Marketing Automation - Taiwangun

Taiwangun is an Ecommerce from Cracow specialized in selling replicas and ASG accessories. They offer replicas of guns, rifles, and hunting rifles, as well as spare parts and other ASG accessories. Thanks to the collaboration with the acknowledged Taiwan and Chinese producers, they released their own, now well-known and acknowledged brands PJ and 8 fields. Through the engagement and professionalism of Taiwangun staff they can “offer everything that the customers need in best prices and quality”.

What challenges has Taiwangun faced with?

The military enthusiasts, who are the primary customers of Taiwangun, are a narrow target audience, that is why the number of people interested in the products is limited. The same customers visit the website and make a purchase multiple times, though a strong emphasis was laid on personalizing and adjusting the offer to the customer and reminding him about it in the appropriate time. The aim of Marketing Automation implementation was to convert the anonymous traffic into prospect customers to personalize the offer targeted to them and to increase the effectiveness of communication using the information about clients’ interests.

How Taiwangun realized the established aims?

  • Reminding about the abandoned cart
  • Product retargeting after a visit
  • The automatic segmentation
  • Contact forms used to generate new leads
  • A set of automated welcome emails to the new customers
  • Optimising and increasing the effectiveness of email marketing by A/B tests

What were the effects?

  • 1200% increase in CTR for Web Push notification compared to newsletters
  • 225% increase in OR and 200% in CTR for abandoned cart emails compared to newsletters
  • 208% increase in OR and 300% in CTR for emails with product retargeting after the visit compared to newsletters
  • 37% increase of contact base within a year thanks to the anonymous contacts forms
Taiwangun Case Study Image

“The system is intuitive and clear, in a short time you can enjoy most of the features it offers. We can count on help and support on every stage of the implementation we realize.”
Paweł Serafin, Specjalista ds. Sprzedaży, Taiwangun.com