Hey, marketers!
After we did some research, we need to tell you: there is a huge problem to be solved.
Marketers are frustrated
  • 40% of marketers say they’re underpaid
  • 66% of your peers plan to change their current position within 2 years
  • 20% of them are looking for a new job right now
  • 68% say they experience more stress now than 5 years ago

Nobody appreciates marketers’ work.

  • 80% of CEO’s think that marketer’s work doesn’t provide value (Marketo)
  • Marketer is ranked among least valuable jobs in the world next to actor and dancer (Adobe)
  • Only 44% of marketers can prove ROI on marketing activity (IBM CMO Study)

Other points of pain in a marketers’ life?

  • 99%  of CEO’s who want to improve company profits and profit margins cut advertising and marketing budgets first
  • We’re lost in too many buzzwords (inbound, multichannel, growth hacking, etc,) that don’t deliver real solutions
  • Probably any marketing function can easily be outsourced to agencies for less money
  • Spray & Pray campaigns that don’t really work
  • Constant shifts in consumer behavior (Online to Offline, Desktop to mobile) marketers and salespeople no longer control the buyer’s journey and customers’ decisions
  • 53% of marketers do not gather any customer data
  • 78% of consumers are not loyal to brands
  • Email traffic is expected to decrease over next 5 years as consumers shift to text messaging and social media
  • Average open rates have declined 4 fold over the last 5 years
  • Let’s finish here to avoid falling into deep depression.
But does marketing really have to be such miserable, unappreciated, and difficult job?
No! It’s our mission to make marketing as important in companies as accounting, IT, logistics, and sales departments – HR not included here.For more than 4 years we have been working with over 5000 companies and their marketing teams all around the world, successfully striving to change the way marketing teams work and making them provide real value to companies and real results.

How does it all happen?

  • Collecting valuable customer data, both behavioral and transactional, which increase sales and becomes a real currency in the hands of a marketer, a currency that can be exchanged with other departments within the company
  • Using this data in real time marketing automation processes configured within SALESmanago Marketing Automation, delivering the right offers to the right people at the right time and via the correct marketing channel (email, website, social media, mobile, ad networks and direct sales channels)
  • Accumulation of knowledge and experience of both marketing and sales teams in automatic marketing processes

Rational marketing

We make marketing rational. We transform it into an art form and a science, changing the way marketers operate. We encourage them to:

  • Forget all the marketing buzzwords
  • Don’t be fooled by self-proclaimed marketing gurus
  • Base decisions on solid data
  • Track, measure, and optimize
  • Get tangible results.
Grow your business with the best
Marketing Automation Platform