Multichannel Marketing


One of the major principles of effective online marketing is the need to abandon the inflexible strategies of communication via isolated channels and transition into multichannel marketing. Today, we prefer to talk about points of contact between the customer and the company. Such points occur in many channels simultaneously, so it is important to manage your marketing communication in a way which will guarantee consistent message in every channel available to your prospective customer. With the use of SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform you can make the most of Multichannel Marketing.

Features supporting Multichannel Marketing

  • Tracking and identification of prospect reactions in each channel
  • Multichannel communication:
    • E-mail marketing – dynamically adjusted or predefined offers and marketing programs
    • SMS – automatically personalized SMS messages and two-way communication
    • Mobile application – dynamic adjustment of content and notifications within the application
    • Call-center and direct selling – you can provide call-center and sales teams with access to profiles of customers and their interests
    • Website – content of your website dynamically personalized for particular visitors
    • Web push notifications – sending notifications to users when they are using the website
    • Publishing in Social Media – communication enhancement thanks to planning feature
    • Facebook Ads – ability to reach contacts from your database with a Facebook ad
    • Personalized remarketing in RTB network
  • ROI and conversion analytics for each channel as well as for the entire communication

Effects of use

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Multichannel marketing requires a Marketing Automation system which will coordinate mailings and track customer behaviour after the customer has received the message. Using multiple channels you are more likely to reach prospective customers and, above all, to address their specific purchase needs. Using multichannel marketing:

  • you reach a particular prospect with a tailored message at the point of contact between the customer and your company
  • you increase conversion in each channel as well as in the entire sales and marketing process
  • you optimize costs related to the use of channels owing to proper identification of the most effective ones.