Hotels and Guest Houses

The travel and tourism industry is one of the world’s largest industries where online component of researching and booking plays a very significant role. Personalized tailored offers are key to attract new customers over large competition. SALESmanago Marketing Automation is successfully used by many hotels: Royal Park, Mikołajki Resort, Qubus Hotels in Poland or international hotel chains like Mamaison and CPI Hotels.

Examples of use

Boosting B2B sales:

  • Analysis of website traffic generated by identified companies, and telephone or e-mail contacts with the companies’ contact persons
  • Alerts informing about an identified corporate customer’s interest in staying at one of the hotels
  • Automation of loyalty programmes for corporate customers having used the hotel’s services previously
  • Recommendation of additional services for hotels viewed within the website – generated individually for a specific, identified person on the website
  • Dynamic banner ads – displaying special offers and services
  • Database segmentation based on the contacts’ behaviour on the website
  • Use of the download centre, for instance for presentation of special offers to customers, or for sharing informative content in the form of e-books on SPA treatments. By offering potential customers access to a variety of materials we are able to successfully acquire new contacts and educate still undecided customers
  • Pop-up with information about a discount or an additional amount, e.g. 50 EUR, for a reservation or any service at the hotel.

E-mail campaigns:

  • Newsletter campaigns targeting customer segments already using the services of a particular venue
  • Mailings tailored to individual trends – proposing accommodation for the period in which the customer booked it in previous years
  • Classic newsletters tracking user behaviour after accessing the website
  • Sending birthday emails, for instance emails with wishes and a gift in the form of a discount code or a special birthday offer

Supporting call centres and sales departments:

  • Alerts for commercial departments informing about the customer’s interest in an accommodation or problem with choosing specific services
  • CDP system with an option of adding notes and an agenda with email reminders
  • Alerts for sales staff informing about the customer’s return to the website
  • Setting up scoring rules – assigning points to leads for an activity, for instance for clicking an email from an email campaign or visiting a given URL address. On this basis, other actions towards the leads can be designed
  • Notification settings – alerts informing about a lead exceeding a certain scoring level, generated on the basis of the customer’s activity and frequency of their visits in each category. This allows for the most promising leads in each category to be singled out
  • Facebook integration enabling the monitoring of social media events and targeting the ads through Custom Audiences