Gocco Case Study

Gocco is a leading Spanish fashion company that designs clothes for infants and children up to 16 years old. Founded in 2000, the company keeps growing on both domestic and international market. Gocco has opened 250 stores in 15 countries in Europe, America, Asia and Middle East. The company offers a variety of exclusive clothes for children, starting from newborns, ending with teenagers.

Customer of SALESmanago Marketing Automation - Gocco

What challenges have they faced with?

First of them was multiplying the number of customers. Their customers are mostly parents or relatives who buy the products for their own children or other members of their families. Hence building accurate recommendations, which is a complicated process, became the main focus.

The second challenge was to diversify the communication in the entire customer journey. Variety of customer lifecycle phases and the age of potential customers to whom Gocco dedicate their products require modifying the language of communication. Apart from that, they needed to use numerous techniques for reaching and catching customer’s attention.

Integration of data about online and offline behavior posed another challenge Customers have an option to buy products both online and in stores. In order to build 360°customer profile it was necessary to monitor online purchases as well as the offline ones.

The last challenge was to find a technological solutions that enable implementation of multichannel communication. Gocco uses all available channels for communication with a customer. The content should be personalized and unitary, regardless of the channel in which it will be delivered.

Would you like to know how they cope with the challenges? Download case study.

The implementation of marketing automation has allowed for:

  • 368% increase in OR (Open Rate) for personalized and automated emails
  • 455% increase in CTR (Click Through Rate) for personalized and automated emails
  • 200% higher OR for mass mailings than market average
  • 250% higher CTR for mass mailings than market average

SALESmanago offers us a simple way to gradually implement new marketing actions for our customers Being able to quickly evaluate their success, we didn’t hesitate to integrate our new company application with APPmanago and thus we can provide a multichannel service to our customers.
Gonzalo Arredondo, Gocco’s Online channel Manager