All-in-one, fully automated Deep Data Integration in SALESmanago

SALESmanago Marketing Automation software offers advanced and fully automated Deep Data Integration with some of the most popular eCommerce platforms, including WooCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop and many more.

The integration makes it possible to transfer much more than basic data on the behavior of people visiting your online store. It also delivers insights into their transaction history directly to SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform. The integration process itself is straightforward and fully automated.

This can place the eCommerce platforms you use on a solid foundation of marketing & sales intelligence, causing online sales to grow greatly.

Big Data Marketing

Most data integrations between eCommerce platforms and marketing & sales tools available on the market allow you to transfer only the very basic contact information such as their name, email address, phone numbers or street address.

In SALESmanago we went a step further, giving our users access to the following insights: customer behavior, purchase history, recent transactions, and revenue brought by customers.

As a result, with the use of Marketing Automation tools, our users can better understand their customers and identify their needs, all in real time.

Advanced contact segmentation and marketing process automation

In addition to transferring behavioral and transactional data, Deep Data Integration makes it possible to accurately structure the gathered information.

By using the RFM module, SALESmanago users can analyze the buying behavior of customers, segment contact databases and automate marketing and sales processes.

Contact segments created in the RFM module are based on the following 3 variables:

  1. 1. Time since last purchase
  2. 2. Purchase frequency
  3. 3. Total purchase value

All data points can be correlated allowing you to analyze customer purchase preferences and trends in customer behavior.

Hyper-personalization of marketing and sales communication

The combination of Big Data and the advanced features of our marketing automation platform lets users take customer analysis to the next level.

However, it is how our system lets you use this knowledge that makes SALESmanago Deep Data Integration such a powerful tool.

The Marketing Automation platform lets its users carry out one-off and recurring marketing activities based on the gathered segmentation and behavioral data, then target marketing activities at specific customer segments.

Moreover, these activities can be carried out in real time, and in every channel of communication.

As a consequence, SALESmanago Marketing Automation users can achieve fully personalized, omnichannel communication, delivering the right offers to the right people, at the right time and in the right channel.

Predictive Marketing

The SALESmanago Marketing Automation system can choose the optimal communication channel for every customer, based on their Customer Journey, transaction and activity data (from current and historical data sets). Content personalization is achieved by tracking how visitors, both identified and anonymous, behave on your website.

SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform can automatically determine your customers’ future buying needs. When backed up with artificial intelligence, this allows you to successfully implement predictive marketing and deliver individually tailored offers shortly before or right when the actual need to buy arises.

Try 30 days SALESmanago for free

The benefits of SALESmanago Deep Data Integration:

  • Gain unlimited access to behavioral and transactional data on potential and current customers, all in real time
  • Easily and comprehensively manage unique website visitor insights
  • Personalize offers to match your customers’ unique behavioral and transactional profiles
  • Develop effective, omnichannel marketing and sales campaigns based on dynamic customer segments
  • Create omnichannel automation workflows, taking into account the full.lifecycle of every customer
  • Hyper-personalize marketing communication based on the behavior of identified and anonymous website visitors
  • Recommend products and services relevant to customers’ needs and interests, in real time