Customer Referral System


Customer Referral System in SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform is one of the most frequently implemented solutions for successful lead generation.

Most people are more willing to buy products recommended by someone they know. This mechanism has been functioning in the offline world for years.

This is why we have created a tool that lets you carry this mechanism over to the online channel with the full support of marketing automation.


How does the Customer Referral System work?


The implementation of the Customer Referral System is very similar to the implementation of an ordinary lead generation strategy.

The basis is to create a simple contact form, that will allow you to collect data about users who have been recommended a product or service.

You can add a link to this contact form as a button in a newsletter, on your website next to a product, or below an interesting post on a blog.

Then the friend receives an email asking them to confirm that they received the information about your service.

SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform allows you to collect information not only about users who have been recommended a product, but also the people who recommended it.


What communication channels support the recommendation system?

  • Email Marketing and dynamic email messages
  • Dynamic and personalized website content
  • Social Media (via automatically created Facebook Custom Audiences)
  • Advertising networks
  • Mobile marketing (SMS messages, Mobile Applications)

Examples of the use of the SALESmanago Customer Referral System

  • 1. Increasing the reach of newsletters by means of opt-in contacts’ friends.

    When you send the email campaign with the limited offer for particular products in your online store, add the ‘Recommend’ button in the footer and give your clients the opportunity to share the special offer with their friends. It is an easy way to share valuable content, products or services directly from the inbox level. Your clients will eagerly share the tempting offer!

  • 2. Dedicated marketing campaigns for the recommended.

    By using marketing automation tools, you can extract the recommended users from your database and create a dedicated educational and sales funnel. Use information about the person who recommended your offer to write the educational content for the new contacts. Create the cycle adjusted to their interests instead of addressing anonymous visitors and stress their uniqueness at the same time.

  • 3. Creating a group of brand ambassadors – special offers for the most engaged customers.

    Each recommendation is treated by the SALESmanago Marketing Automation system as a new event. This allows you to keep an eye on how many new customers have been encouraged to see your offer after the other customer’s referral. Reward highly engaged customers with a special discount code or a voucher for the next shopping in your online store, by which you will gain their loyalty and repay them for their help. They will be granted the special recognition, while you – the cheapest form of marketing.

  • 4. Implementation of the referral program into Social Media – take advantage of the snowball effect.

    Service and product recommendations enjoy the highest popularity in the social media channel. Here you can count on your fans – they are the first people to recommend your product to their friends. Select the most active clients from your online store and create the Custom Audience target group. With the help of Marketing Automation platform you can plan the personalized advertisement on Facebook, which will direct the recipients to the landing page with the recommendation form.

  • 5. Two in one.

    Always ask your clients for personal details of the people with whom they have a lunch, go to the cinema or go on a business trip. Later, use this piece of information to send them the confirmation message with the reservation details. No matter if you have the platform for table reservation in a restaurant, sell cinema tickets online or offer booking services. Two profits in one – excellent service for your client and a new lead for you.

Benefits for users:

  • Increasing the number of contacts generated on the website and online store
  • Promoting your brand in multiple marketing communications channels, at no additional cost
  • Increasing customer loyalty
  • Selecting the most engaged customers