Car dealers

Purchasing your perfect car is a long process of research, comparison and different kinds of configuration. With knowledge about your customers interests, Marketing Automation system gives you an edge over your competition. Tailored offers and personalized communication via SMS is the best way to close a deal. SALESmanago Marketing Automation system is successfully used by a companies like Peugeot Poland or Czech Republic car dealer Auto Pokorny.

Examples of use

Increasing the number of test drives:

  • Emails inviting to test drive a car the customer was interested in
  • Automated alerts to dealers requesting to contact a person who has been using a price comparison or shopping comparison website
  • Drip programmes after detecting the customer’s interest in a particular model
  • SMS reminders about a scheduled test drive

Segmentation of private and corporate customers:

  • Tracking corporate visits on a website
  • Detecting a visit of a current, tracked customer
  • Detecting interest in various sources of funding mentioned on the website, and automated educational campaigns informing the customer for instance about loan or lease possibilities

Supporting sales departments:

  • Extensive behavioural profiles of contacts available on individual contact cards
  • Tracking the leads’ behaviour on websites
  • Integration of Facebook events and apps
  • Alerts with key information after detecting the customer’s interest in an offer, a particular model, or a source of funding
  • System of notes and tasks with email reminders
  • B2B visits analysis

Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing:

  • Lead Nurturing messages preparing the customer for using an offer or services, including after sales services
  • A series of welcome messages after the customer’s subscription to a newsletter
  • Recurring messages
  • Segmented newsletters sent automatically after detecting the customer’s interest
  • Dynamic newsletters – using the RSS feed in creating dynamic messages informing about new content on a website or containing sectoral information
  • RTB service notifications
  • Dynamic and personalized website content (contact forms and content)