Campaign management

Manage your sales campaign effectively with Marketing Automation platform. Automate the contact flow through the stages in the funnel. Give your sellers a simple tool to work on their leads and to analyse their lifecycle in SALESmanago sales funnels.

A sales funnel is a great tool that makes organization and the management of the sales processes easier. Funnels divide the sales process into stages which in effect create a clear view on the amount of leads on each stage. Because of that, you can estimate the number of leads in the initial phase of the process and how many of them have got to its final stages. Also, you have detailed information about the dynamics of the contact flow between the funnel stages. On this basis you can identify the weak point of the campaign and get rid of it quickly.

In SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform it’s possible to move leads between the funnel stages automatically. Due to the configured rules, the Marketing Automation system will take care of lead education, it will prepare the lead for direct sales thanks to lead nurturing and scoring system. In this way warmed up leads will be transferred to the sales department.
There is also a possibility of operating the sales funnel manually by sellers. They can work with potential customers on a daily basis, they change the stages according to the status of a particular lead.

Creating a sales funnel is very easy. You only need to determine the names for a campaign and each stage of it. Next, you need to determine when exactly a contact should be qualified to the campaign and how it should be transferred to the next stages.

SEE: How to create a campaign and sales funnel

Manage your campaigns in two ways:


  • a complex analysis of sales cycle data – estimate the duration of the sales cycle, organize the value of each action according to its effectiveness, analyse the transition of leads between the stages in the funnel
  • focus on acquiring customers – apply strategies which will transform a potential customer into a regular one, educate customers by lead nurturing campaign, increase the scoring and move the contacts to the next stages in the funnel
  • configure automation rules freely – in SALESmanago you can set your own automation rules and events which trigger them
  • verification of the effectiveness of marketing strategies you apply – you have a constant preview of the effectiveness of your marketing strategies as you can see how your campaigns affect the velocity of leads in the funnel


  • clear and well-organised panel for sellers – your sellers can manage a group of leads that it is assigned to them and they can move leads between the stages in the funnel by themselves
  • wide view on every funnel stage – every stage of the funnel is clearly visible together with a list of contacts that are assigned to a particular stage of the funnel
  • operate the panel with drag&drop – moving a contact to the next stage requires only one click and dragging it to the stage of your choice. As a result, the automation processes can be triggered.


Depending on the stage your customers are currently on, they can receive content which was previously prepared in Marketing Automation system. Here is an example of the funnel automation process:

  • add a contact to the sales funnel, when it opens an email;
  • move the contact automatically to the next stage “Interested”, when the contact reaches a certain scoring level (e.g. 20 scoring points), after that send a dynamic email with adjusted offer
  • move the contact to the next stage “Interested – checked the offer”, when the contact clicks the link in the dynamic mail, then send an alert to the sales department, which will contact the customer

SEE: How you can use a sales funnel


  • organizing marketing activities and saving them in the form of processes
  • analysis of customer behavior on each stage of the campaign
  • saving the work time of the seller by focusing on the leads ready for a purchase
  • detailed analysis of both marketing and sales processes
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Customer Reference

„SALESmanago, support is very quick. The team helped me to organise my thoughts and implement my strategy to the system with my own learning path. They are people centric, and they adjust the training according to the customer needs. Although, I am new user to the SALESmanago solution, I am certain about the successful use and implementation for our eshop needs.”
George Filippotis, CEO, Echo Deco