
Important information:

  • Supporting Partner in Sales Process

We actively support every our partner in the sales process and help to educate his customers through online webinars and dedicated presentations for potential customers to make sure that the licence agreement will be signed. Next, every new client recruited by our partner get from SALESmanago a free starter package and basic account configuration of the system with no charges.

Who is the affiliate programme for:

  • Affiliates and individual sellers

Affiliates are the companies or website owners who provide leads to SALESmanago system. We pay for every potential customer of the SALESmanago system. However, if you provide us the customer that is ready to purchase, which we will finalize, we will pay you a high premium for bringing us such a customer.

We offer high sales commissions, discounts for partners and remuneration for the transferred potential customers. If you are interested please contact us at


  • Constant and high additional monthly income

Marketing automation services market is in the initial phase and the competition is very limited so far. This makes marketing automation services pricing stay on relatively high level in comparison with the conventional marketing services.

  • Sales support for partners

We offer direct support to our partners such as product training for potential customers and direct support of the sales process.

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