A/B/X Testing Engine


With SALESmanago Marketing Automation software you can prepare and run A/B/X testing of your dynamic content. In the drag&drop creator, you can design any number of banners, forms or landing pages, and then the Marketing Automation system will display various creations in the given place according to defined ratio. The data about the performance of each creation are available in dedicated analytics dashboard. After the test, SALESmanago will automatically start to display the most successful creation and can also display others in defined proportions. Because all the data about results driven by each creation are still collected in the dashboard, you can change the creation at any time and react in real time to any shifts in results.

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Available A/B/X tests and how it works

In the module, you can run an infinite amount of tests at the same time for any number of creations. To put your creation on the website, you need to paste a simple code generated by the system in the place when you want to display tested banner or form. SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform will automatically count the number of the display according to your traffic. Then it shows the creation and measures views and conversions (clicks for banners, filling in for contact forms and landing pages).

It allows you to test:

  • Banners – a set of graphics displayed on the website in a single frame,
  • Contact forms – any set of variants on the website, on pop-ups or sidebars
  • Landing Pages – various creations of the same landing page for a given campaign. It might be displayed as a part of an existing site or as a separate site hosted on SALESmanago’s or customer’s servers
  • Dynamic banners – test various mechanics of suggesting products basing on behavioral profiles of anonymous and identified visitors. They’re most often displayed in the form of a frame.

How A/B/X test works?

No matter what do you want to test, in SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform preparing and running it looks the same – you only use different editors to design content. The process consists of the following steps:

  • Naming the test
  • Adding creations – you can import it from .zip file or create in drag&drop creator or in traditional HTML editor
  • Setting the end date of the test
  • Setting proportions of displaying creations during the test – in the range from 0 to 100%.
  • Setting proportions of displaying creations after the test – like above, but matching the effects of the test period
  • Pasting the generated code on the website
  • Monitoring – remember about possibility to track creation’s performance after the test, so you can react if it stops delivering results

Dedicated analytical dashboard

All the test data in real time on one dashboard, including test results. You can also find there the data for each creation individually and comparison to test period, so you can change proportions of the display if it turns out that after some time the most successful creation in the test doesn’t drive impressive results anymore. The main parameters measured are a number of views and conversion.


  • You can run any number of A/B/X tests with any number of creations tested
  • Easy and user-friendly tool, which doesn’t require any technical knowledge
  • You have the full control over the display of creations during the test and after its end

Customer Reference

„Effective training and friendly customer service (Nida) made our experience in transitioning into using marketing automation tool SALESmanago interesting and productive. The ability to create & save different templates is so useful as we rotate our marketing efforts to highlight our different service offerings. The points report on which our repeated marketing efforts are focused have started to produce results and we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the SALESmanago team!”
Daniel Victor, Business Development Manager, Rapid Care