Trainings and coaching


Training and coaching business is a great place for Marketing Automation Lead Nurturing and Lead Generation programmes. Progressive pop-ups, automatic segmentation and contacts scoring is a best way to send personalized messages to new leads and educate them. Universities use unique knowledge provided by Marketing automation system to contact potential candidates. SALESmanago Marketing Automation platform is successfully used by polish universities (Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Apeiron, Poznańska Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu, Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki), international education companies (Young Digital Planet, and specialized training and coaching firms (ITC Partners, Door Group,

Examples of use

Lead Nurturing:

  • Programmes educating undecided customers
  • Offer sent automatically when a certain scoring level has been reached
  • Automated sales campaigns for leads with whom the sales department is already in contact
  • Adapting training offers to the customers’ interests
  • Personalised content sent to customers during the peak of their activity
  • Email and text messages with reminders about a training/ meeting, and thanking for participation
  • Dynamic newsletters – using the RSS feed -– sending messages about new content on a website or a blog

Supporting sales departments:

  • Extensive behavioural profiles of contacts available on individual contact cards
  • Tracking the leads’ behaviour on websites
  • Facebook integration enabling the monitoring of social media events and ads targeting through Custom Audiences
  • Alerts with key information after detecting the customer’s interest in an offer
  • System of notes and tasks with email reminders due to an advanced CRM system
  • Automated sending of offers for pre-selected groups of leads
  • Recurring emails informing about novelties
  • Automated sales campaigns for leads with whom the sales department is already in contact
  • Personalised messages and offers displayed on the Microsite
  • Dynamic banner ads – displaying personalised offers and services
  • Possibility of integration with LiveChat,,

Segmentation and scoring:

  • Automatic contact segmentation on the basis of identical or similar interests
  • Points assigned for each relevant activity of the lead
  • Points assigned on an individual basis for particularly important actions
  • Segmentation on the basis of the time spent on the website and the number of subpages visited
  • Possibility of designing subscription forms for newsletters segmented by theme
  • Real-time tracking

Progressive pop-ups:

  • Pop-up with an individual discount code only for unidentified contacts
  • Pop-up depending on the training website’s traffic source
  • Pop-up with an additional discount for the first training