SALESmanago Unique Selling Proposition

A list of unique capabilities of SALESmanago in main areas of product functionality that you most probably won’t find at other marketing automation platforms. And even if you find them, there is no way you will get them all at one solution. Here it is SALESmanago.
Lead Generation Lead Generation
Sales Sales
Customer Engagement Customer Engagement
  • Website Marketing
  • Advertising Networks & External platforms
  • CDP & Digital Body Language
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media

Run customer referral programs using contact forms inside email messages. The customers will recommend your newsletters to their friends.

Use Progressive Profiling in Live Chat and gather more data about your customers. Ask only for the data you don`t have.

Use progressive contact forms to collect additional data about customers. Display popups only when you don`t have data for a specific visitor - your forms will never ask again about data you already have.

Use information on the visit source (banner, CPC, ad, Facebook, etc) to show personalized content on the website. Make your website relevant to what the customer already saw on external sources.

Display Lead Generation Forms & Landing Pages without asking what they are interested in. We already know this based on the behavioral profile. Your potential customer is requested to leave an email or phone number only, then the offer will be automatically generated and the sales team will be informed.

Display lead generation contact forms on YouTube videos embedded on your site. Collect user data while he is watching your video material.

Automatically collect contact data of your mobile app users and send them to SALESmanago. Send them welcome messages, special offers and newsletters.

Collect information from anonymous mobile app users by sending them push notifications redirecting them to a form where they can leave their data.

Collect new contacts in your SALESmanago database from Facebook fan pages or Facebook contact forms. Reach people with a social media campaign and get their data to continue communication in other channels.

Use Automatic Sales Chat for Facebook messenger to get customer data from Facebook.

Retarget anonymous visitors in ad networks with dynamic ads adjusted to their behavioral profile and acquire them for your database.

Track any user actions on the website and mobile app (e.g. buttons clicked, calculations, search terms used, time spent) to get fully profiled and segmented new leads.

Track customers watching videos on your website and segment them based on which videos they watched, when and for how long.

Identify companies visiting your website to contact them directly. Use information on the internet service provider (ISP) the visitor used to get the name of company and search CRM or the internet for contact data.

Create and monitor new leads directly from your sales rep inbox. Track email conversations and reactions to your sales reps emails. You will know whenever email is opened and clicked and what they are looking for on your website.

  • Website Marketing
  • Advertising Networks & External platforms
  • CRM & Digital Body Language
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media

Display Automatic Product Recommendations in Live Chat.


Use sales bots to create automated communication with your customer. Create scenarios of chat conversations to deliver product recommendations for the customer without a salesperson in either FB Messenger or Live Chat.

Provide full 360 view of customer profile for the Live Chat agent during a conversation to better understand its needs.

Display rich web push with video or product recommendations.

Display premium offers for most valuable users first, and basic offers for standard users to fit their needs. Modify the website content based on past transactions, e.g. if someone has a Mercedes S Class offer premium insurance.


Recover abandoned cart with dynamic web push notification.


Customize search engines on your website for each user. Use general product popularity and 1-to-1 product recommendation to show the most suitable products first.


Add products from your online store to your newsletters directly from product galleries with drag and drop designer. Direct integration with e-store ensures that product galleries are always up to date. Email designer lets you create email offers in a much shorter time.


Send a bulk newsletter enhanced by dynamic section with products adjusted for each customer based on their behavioral profile.


Send automated periodic emailswith new products from categories the particular customer was most interested in. Let SALESmanago prepare the content of your newsletters automatically.


Send automatic personalized emails containing recently discounted products that the customer was previously interested in.


Implement cross device abandoned cart recovery with a special link generated by the system which adds product to cart no matter what device you click it on.


Create precise targeting and triggers for your emails, use: customer interest, age, sex, demographic data, behavior on website, scoring, transaction data with RFM segmentation, social media actions, customer reaction to previously sent emails, any contact custom detail or data from external system e.g. information about weather conditions, economy, stock exchange and sociometric data.

Track customer’s position and deliver personalized offers depending on where the customer currently is. Deliver a push notification containing products browsed on the website when user is nearby your offline store.


Send products abandoned in cart via Push, In-APP or SMS message.


Modify content available in mobile app based on behavioral and transactional profile. Show products with highest probability of purchase first.

Create micro custom-audiences on Facebook based on transactions and behavior on your website and deliver one-to-one ads and product recommendations.

Deliver product recommendations and help your fans get the information they are looking for thanks to Sales bots. Create scenarios of conversations to recommend products and answer customers' questions.


Recover abandoned carts with Facebook Messenger. Contact customers who did not end the purchasing process by using Facebook messenger to take them back to the cart page.


Display one-to-one ads with product recommendations in Google DoubleClick network.

Use data collected about each customer and its segmentation for targeting campaigns in traditional marketing channels. You can send a contact`s data to any external system using webhooks and external events.


Target your ads based on offline data - change ads without customer visits or purchases on your website.


Display the same offers in ad networks as you send to your customers directly using other channels. Keep your multi-channel communication consistent.

Connect data from website & mobile app behavior social media, live chat conversations, online & offline purchases and data from external systems to create a complete 360 profile of your customers.


Choose the most valuable customers using RFM data or an external loyalty system. Analyze transactional data and identify your most valuable customer segments.

Get more contacts monitored by providing them with custom monitoring links in any communication app (Skype, WhatsApp, Snapchat, etc). Track all users you communicate with directly.


Use Quick Actions to automate your sales representatives' work by just clicking customized buttons. They can automatically send personalized messages, move leads through sales funnels and report results of their work with a minimum chance of making mistakes.

  • Website Marketing
  • Advertising Networks & External platforms
  • CRM & Digital Body Language
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media

Send a win-back push campaign to reach customers who are not reacting to your emails.


Modify the content of your website by custom rules (sites visited, segmentation, scoring, transactions) to help the visitor find the potentially interesting offers or articles.


Use a sales bot to help website visitors find exactly what they are looking for. The bot automatically starts a conversation after a user has been browsing for a specified length of time, then asks the user what they’re looking for and recommends matching products.

Automatically segment customers who stopped buying your products and reach them through social media or RTB.


Track and monitor all users even if they delete cookies. Thanks to fingerprinting you will be able to gather data from every browser they use.


Deliver newsletters individually to each person depending on the behaviorally calculated best day and time.


Send mass mailings with adaptive sender details. Your leads will receive emails from the same person for the entire time. Mimic personalized one-to-one communication even in bulk mailings.


Send reminders based on the date of birth of your customer's child, mother-in-law or fiancé birthday, wedding anniversary or any other occasion important for them. Make them happy and thankful with a perfect offer for each occasion.


Win back users of your application. Target customers who stopped using your app in last two weeks and send them an automatic notification with promotional content, discounts and promotions.


Reach your Facebook followers with posts boosted to micro-audiences based on their interests.