Solutions dedicated to selected industries
Use solutions proven in action by market leaders.
We truly understand eCommerce business challenges

Driving omnichannel sales in e‑store

Driving omnichannel sales in e‑store

Manage all your sales campaigns from a single place, using different communication channels to reach your customers anywhere they are active. Use alternative channels if some of your customers didn't react to your campaign. Track your sales coming from different sources.
  • Integration of communication channels
  • E-mail marketing
  • Website personalization
  • SMS
  • Web push
  • Mobile app
  • Social media
  • Ad networks
  • Live chat
  • Total sales
  • Average order size
  • Average order value
  • Average order frequency
  • Amount of transactions
  • Conversion rate
  • Order sources

Increasing shop conversion

Increasing shop conversion

Convert your e‑store traffic into customers or newsletter subscribers. Personalize the e‑store experience and help your visitors find the products that they were looking for. Recommend similar or complementary offers and lower the amount of page views necessary to reach desired products.
  • 1-to-1 product recommendation frames
  • AI & Machine Learning recommendation
  • Dynamic lead generation popups and forms
  • A/B/X tests for product page
  • Revenue per visit (RPV)
  • Bounce rate
  • Time on site
  • Pageviews per visit
  • Conversion paths
  • Viewed products relationship
  • Purchased products affinity

Purchase process optimization

Purchase process optimization

Use variety of techniques to recover abandoned carts or unfinished payments, no matter what device the customer used. Assign discounts appropriate to the customer value and return rates to keep the margin at best level without loosing transactions.
  • Omnichannel product retargeting
  • Abandoned cart emails, web push and ads
  • Dynamic emails with products back in stock
  • Automated notifications about favourite product discounts
  • Progressive discounts assignment
  • Automated product review requests
  • Shopping cart abandonment rate
  • Cart abandonment per stage in the purchase process
  • Product return rate
  • Assigned discounts rate
  • Discount Order Share
  • Conversion per discount level and type

Boosting marketing effectiveness

Boosting marketing effectiveness

Make sure you`re delivering right offers to the right person in right time and channel. Target your customers with bulk campaigns and build automated processes which supports the conversion. Thanks to customer-centric approach and advanced personalization, your campaigns are staying relevant to your audience, keeping high engagement and driving them towards purchase.
  • Advanced audience targeting options
  • 1-to-1 offers personalization
  • Campaign delivery time personalization
  • Cross-channel offers delivery
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • Open rate (OR)
  • Click through rate (CTR)
  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Unsubscribes
  • Return of investment (ROI)
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)

E-commerce Customer Lifecycle Management

E‑commerce Customer Lifecycle Management

Adjust your communication to the stage of the customer lifecycle. Be sure to onboard new customers, lead them to the consecutive transactions or reactivate churning ones. Automatically segment the database by customer value and activity level and run automated processes which will boost their engagement.
  • CDP
  • 360 degree customer view
  • RFM Analytics and Automation
  • Behavioural and transactional segmentation
  • Nurturing programs
  • Loyalty programs
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • New customer orders
  • Returning customer orders
  • Churn rate
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