SALESmanago Marketing Automation & GDPR

General Data Protection Regulation

GDPR (RODO) is a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679) adopted 27. April 2016 which intends to strengthen and unify the data protection law with regards to processing of personal data and the free movement of the data, and repealing directive 95/46/EC.The final version of GDPR is available here. The Polish regulation is being discussed and will probably become enforceable in 2018.

You are on the safe side with us!

Learn more about GDPR and changes in managing your database

How does SALESmanago prepare for the new regulation?

System adjustments

'Forget me' button

GDPR gives the natural persons, whose data is processed, a new set of allowances. One of the most important is "the right to be forgotten"which means the permanent deletion of the personal data by the company on the basis of marketing consent. The law applies to data stored both in digital and paper form, as well as the backup version. If the data is processed on a contractual basis, then it is necessary, in the first place, to terminate the contract. For this purpose SALESmanago will get the new button on the contact card – forget me.

Data export

Another advantage of GDPR will bring the consumers the right to demand the transfer of data e.g to a different entity when the contract is changed. It applies to processing:

  • on the basis of marketing consent
  • under the contract
  • if this is an automated processing

The right to request the data to be transferred by the administrators directly will be executed only if it is feasible technologically, e.g. the systems are compatible. Our platform is ready to this regulation as well. In SALESmanago you can easily transfer all contact data to external systems in a convenient form – as a flat file or via the API.


GDPR gives the opportunity to consent on both processing the data and profiling using the internet browser settings. Moreover, in SALESmanago there is an option to switch on/off the monitoring of a particular contact. The contact can be monitored only when he agrees on that – it means for example filling in the form and submitting the consent again.

Monitoring the anonymous contacts

GDPR gives the opportunity to consent on both processing the data and profiling using the internet browser settings. There are no strict regulations on the exact form of this consent. It is significant for the companies to be able to demonstrate that the information (e.g.a pop-up window) about using cookies was given.


There is no need to modify the contact forms. It is not necessary to include any additional consents. There will be a new screen where you will be able to define new consents, which will be monitored for each contact

Specifying the source of data.

The platform will allow the realization of new obligation imposed by GDPR, including revealing the source of the data.

Legislative changes

Contractual changes

To use SALESmanago one has to sign in the licence contract and the agreement for entrusting the data for processing by Benhauer, which should include: the range of data given (e.g. name and surname, email address, IP address) and the range of processing (in most cases it is storage, but in case of dedicated service it is possible to extend this range).

Clients' documentation

SALESmanago as the entity that processes the personal data, implemented the Security Policy and IT System Management Instruction, which is available to the clients. This documentation allows to ensure, in case of an audit, that the technical and organizational data protection is properly applied.

Data storage

In compliance with the regulation, the data transfer outside of EU will be possible only if the adequate level of protection is granted (the decision of European Council) and the proper warranties are ensured, ie based on model clauses, binding corporate rules, approved codes of conduct and if both the sender and the receiver has the "European Data Protection Certificate".To put it simply, the personal data, and the servers on which the data is stored, as well as other documentation need to be physically stored on the territory of Europe. We are ready for it! Both the main headquarters and our servers are located in Poland, so this requirement is 100% met.

Frequently asked questions

  • By giving consent and sharing your data, you entitle Benhauer Sp. z.o.o the company behind SALESmanago to process your data. We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of use for more information.