Endo E-book
Case Study

Discover the success
story of Endo
achieved with SALESmanago


1 081%

higher click rate and 201% higher open rate for dynamic emails with 1-to-1 recommendations compared to mass emails


of last click-supported transactions were generated by mass campaigns, thanks to sending to segmented contact groups

4 534%

ROI for Marketing
Automation implementation

We have been cooperating with SALESmanago for several years and our cooperation is very good. Our project is always supervised by a dedicated specialist, who answers all our questions and helps basically with every idea that comes to our mind and that we want to implement on our website. They provide a very good tool that helps us in our daily work. I do not see the possibility of further work without using the functionalities offered by SALESmanago.

Paweł Kielak

E-commerce Director

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Endo is the first (and for a long time the only) in Poland to decorate its products with inscriptions in Polish, thus showing how many emotions and associations can be evoked in adults and children by imaginative and surprising word games. Endo clothes - sewn from cotton and decorated with prints, delighting with a simple cut and careful workmanship - created since the late 90s. A new pattern in children’s clothing. It turns out that apart from comfort and functionality, children’s clothes can be simply ... “a miraculous phenomenon”, “clothes with character”. Like everything that is created with passion and love. Funny drawings and ambiguous texts are not only original image-text dialogues, but also a kind of conversation between adults and children. Graphics on knitted fabrics for adults and Endo toys refer to similar products from the children’s section, starting a dialogue between these worlds, teaching and entertaining each other. Our offer is directed to the whole, multigenerational family. A family in which children grow up to be happy and self-confident people, strongly supported in their harmonious development by all its members. Endo’s mission is to support and inspire to build and strengthen these most important bonds.

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Challenges and goals

The need to diversify communication throughout the customer’s lifecycle

Multichannel - using multiple channels to communicate with users

Customer loyalty and increased sales on the website

Customer segmentation at every stage of the Buyer’s Journey

The use of automatic and mass campaigns to target relevant offers to a segmented group of recipients

Adjusting the individual offer for the client

A significant increase in the loyal customer base

Switching to
automatic communication

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4 534%

ROI for Marketing Automation


Last-click supported transactions account for 47% of all transactions supported by SALESmanago


of last click-supported transactions were generated by mass campaigns, thanks to shipping to segmented contact groups


higher click rate and 201% higher open rate for dynamic e-mails with
1-to-1 recommendations compared to mass emails


of the database consists
of monitored contacts