Blaco E-book

Discover the success story of Blaco

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High Performer Award - Enterprise High Performer Award - MidMarket Users Love Us Leader Leader Europe


higher efficiency thanks to the automation of email marketing campaigns


higher rate of opening dynamic emails


growth of the number of contacts after cooperation with SALESmanago in the last 12 months

Integrating SALESmanago in our IT systems has been the smartest choice of the last 10 years. SALESmanago is incredibly easy to use, feature-rich, with an extremely detailed user guide, and above all it is constantly evolving, always in step with the times. Nonetheless, it is our opinion that it is the people that make a company great and SALESmanago is a perfect example of that. We have met here people who are reliable, courteous, and hardworking. SALESmanago's only major flaw is that it has no flaws.

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The client

Blaco s.r.l. is the largest online distributor of professional supplies for beauticians and hairdressers in Italy. is the main sales channel, but it is not the only one. Blaco s.r.l. in fact manages two stores and has a dense network of sales agents scattered throughout the Italian territory. For a few years, Blaco s.r.l. has expanded its already rich catalog, with products for personal care, household cleaning, pet products and many items in the category "household" (dishes, kitchen utensils, glasses, etc.). Blaco s.r.l. is not only B2B, in fact anyone can access or go to the stores and buy with a price list dedicated to retail customers.

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When we chose SALESmanago we weren't really looking for such sophisticated Marketing Automation software. We needed a reliable software to:

manage the sending of promotional emails,

we had big problems with customers opting out (they couldn't unsubscribe) and as a result many of our emails were identified as spam.

After the first presentation of SALESmanago we realized that we could manage a number of marketing activities with a single software and therefore we eliminated a lot of useless and inefficient software.

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To address the challenges we faced, we introduced thefollowing implementations in the system:

RMF Automation

Used to segment the contact database. With its help we were able to get information about our customers in a more detailed way and divide them into the following segments: time since last purchase, frequency of purchase, cash inflow.

Segmentation matrices

Ideal for adding tags to customers based on visits to selected websites.

Mass mailings maili

Mass and regular, and above all personalised dispatch of newsletters, thanks to which open and click rates remain at a decent level.

Mobile Marketing

SALESmanago also enables sending and creating SMS text messages. Using this module, we were able to reach our clients through another of the available channels.

Pop-ups, Forms, Landing page

With the help of these elements we are able to increase our contact base on an ongoing basis. Thanks to the use of the double opt in option, we can be sure that the contacts in our database are actually interested in receiving marketing information from us.

Recommendation frames

Frames help in cross-selling and up-selling. Thanks to them, we can show the contacts the products that have been viewed recently, are most often bought or the products that were bought by the contact. Additionally, thanks to the use of AI we can also show the products most often bought after viewing another product, most often viewed together and most often bought together.

Social Proof widget

This small but very useful widget has boosted our sales statistics in a very simple and quick way. It informs how many people are currently viewing the selected product.

Personal Shopping Inbox

This is a new SALESmanago functionality that we implemented as soon as we got acquainted with it. It allows you to show notifications on the page, recently viewed products by contact and the contact's favourite products. What makes this feature unique is that thanks to it we can also reach anonymous contacts with information, which is not possible with Web Pushes that have similar functionality.

Email after a visit with recently viewed products

With this option we are able to send emails to contacts with products they have recently viewed and thus encourage them to be interested in them again.

Email with abandoned shopping cart

External events concerning sending information about adding products to the cart by the customer are sent to the system. With these we can set up a special Automation Rule which, by analysing the activity of the contact and not noting the purchase made by the contact, is able to send information about the abandoned cart to the contact and thus encourage them to reconsider the purchase.

Correct quality of contacts database

SALESmanago facilitates work on contact database, thanks to which it is easy to analyse and manage available contacts. This is important because correctly maintained hygiene of the database contributes to improved deliverability of mailings.

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of all transactions come from the Personal Shopping Inbox,


higher open rate of emails sent by Automation Rules,


better click-through rate for emails sent via Automation Rules,


of all transactions were submitted using Recommendation Frames,


33% of the contact database was acquired through SALESmanago forms,


of all contacts are monitored contacts.

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