Your Results

Below you will find a breakdown of your results and how you scored in each category, plus insights into each category.






There is a lot you can do to make interactions with your brand a lot easier.

Convenience, in this day and age, is more than a dedicated line the customer may use if something is wrong. It is proactive, which means you should think of the frictions that customers may meet and provide them with solutions in advance.

You understand the importance of convenience and provide enough of it to the customer to be as good as the most of the competition. But you can be better than “the most”!

You can learn about a variety of tools and tactics used in modern eCommerce to proactively foresee and remove the friction along the customer journey.

Interaction with your brand is a pleasant experience for your customers. Since you pay so much attention to the convenience of your customers, you may be interested in efficient ways and tools you can use to proactively foresee and remove the friction along the customer journey.




Thinking you don’t have to deepen your insight is deceiving. Great news is that all the small wins you can achieve in understanding customers will make your revenue boom!

You are a skilled and observant marketer and you take understanding customers seriously. This secures your competitive position, but will this be enough for the future? Good news is you can still improve. There are a multitude of ways you can gather insight in an extremely effective way.

Rarely does someone pay so much attention to ever changing customers’ needs and desires as your company does. You are ahead of most of the competition.




Not paying attention to personalization, while most of the competition already does, is not such a good idea. Personalization of communication – from emails, through to offers, to whole websites – is perceived as a ‘must have’ by customers. No matter how good your offer is, your customers will not appreciate being sent irrelevant messages at the wrong time.

Your company does much to provide personalized experience with your brand. You will be glad to hear, you can do it even better! There are a multitude of ways you can improve personalization of your communication – from emails to whole websites tailored to the individual customer. And you can do it fast and efficiently.

You are great at providing customers with what they want! Since your company is so focused on personalization, you could go even further, and find out what hyper-segmentation and hyper-personalization is, and what you should do to reach a level of precise execution in your campaigns.




Your company does not aim specifically to get intimate with your customers. Why is this bad? Customers want to be in close relations with your brand. Neglecting this has a big impact on the company's budget. High churn and low CLV forces you to seek new customers constantly, and rapidly rising CAC makes acquisition extremely inefficient … in the face of high churn.

So can you improve? Yes, and you will see how rapidly you can send your revenue through the roof, if you incorporate the Customer Intimacy concept!

You get along really well with your customers and they surely appreciate this. Your company builds meaningful relationships and they pay attention to how you treat their loyalty. But couldn't the churn be a little lower and CLV grow more steadily? Yes! Just dump the concept of customer relationships and steer towards Customer Intimacy.

You’re the real Cupid of customer engagement. Your company is most likely customers’ top of the mind choice whenever they need anything from your offer. So, do we have something for you? Yes! Push your customer relationships to the next level and reach for the Customer Intimacy.




Data gathering and analytics – as well as data privacy – are not your primary concern. Or even secondary…

So, how can you know if you are getting better with customers, or the contrary? Your company needs data to progress. You also know that it's not the lack of data, but it’s this abundance that makes it more of a curse than a blessing in modern marketing.

Take your chance to improve your data managing skills, and save yourself from drowning in a sea of incomprehensible facts and numbers!

You are a pro and handle your customer data really well. Your company is definitely aware of the importance of data gathering and analytics, as well as data privacy aspects.

But do you ever feel overwhelmed? It’s so easy to get confused in a deluge of data modern marketing produces. We say: gather only data you can effectively use. And there are so many ways to get the most of the data you already have!

Your data gathering, management and analytics skills are impressive. You also pay great attention to data privacy issues. Serious players like your company should then appreciate a complete paradigm shift in data utilization that is happening around the world right now. And this can seriously boost your effectiveness.

Your badge

Customers care about how you treat them. Why not show your customers your CUPID score across your channels using your CUPID award badge and build that customer trust you need? 


Discover Customer Intimacy!

Discover Customer Intimacy, the most important eCommerce marketing concept in recent years. Benefit from CLV and AOV, and enjoy lower churn!

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